IPTV66 Orders not received or MAC issues -- iptv66, Rocket or NFPS

IPTV66 Help here!
how can I change my MAC and reset my IPTV? When I go to the route checker screen, it tells me I have reached my max searches per day. try again in 24 hours.
How can I get this reset so I can go in and change / reset as I need to do to get IPTV to work properly? Thank you!!!
I have asked the administration to increase the cap on the limited amount of times before the wait 24 hour message appears.

I see I have 29 messages this afternoon. I will get to these in about one hour from now. I have some things I gotta take care of first.

Be back asap
how can I change my MAC and reset my IPTV? When I go to the route checker screen, it tells me I have reached my max searches per day. try again in 24 hours.
How can I get this reset so I can go in and change / reset as I need to do to get IPTV to work properly? Thank you!!!

I was in the same boat as you, crazed gave me the green light this morning but ran up against the maxed out message... tried a few times during the day with no luck...tried just now on the 'link a mac' page and it came up with all the correct info.. including an extra 10 days which is appreciated. So just hang in there and check it every couple of hours.

THANK YOU crazed 2.0 without your help a lot of us would still be waiting.
we will get that cap thing adjusted , if I gotta stay on the admin about, I will :)

Be back to tend to the PMs in about an hour. Hang tight guys.

good to hear you have stuff working juan_vale :)

Asft has offered his help as well, thnx asft :)
yea that 3 times and your out for 24 hrs need to be fixed to many pm on that please help locked out now i even got locked out and waited