NFPS / Private Odd request. HD channels.

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)


New member
Aug 11, 2015
yes I do
I got to say... Being on this service for a bit over a year. It's drastically different. From almost unusable to serviceable. So kudos.

What i will ask is.. Im not sure we are 100% ready for HD. If possible can we get their SD variants back? Or replaced completely with SD.
It seems everytime we transition into HD we experience issues, most recently the scrambled green screen of death. This would be fine however if backup channels (sd) existed to cover the bumpy times.

Perhaps this is temporary... Maybe it'll smooth out again over time. Dont know. Just my 2 cents
I would also like to see the SD version of the newly implemented HD channels. My ISP can only give me 5Mbs and it just will not run the HD channels. I hope the server guys understand that not everyone has fiber, some of us are stuck with copper.
I have to agree with you. It would be nice to still have the SD feeds availalble. As of right now, none of the channels they have just converted to HD are watchable. They all freeze continuously. The old remaining SD feeds are wotking fine.
Hopefully they have added a lot of new infrastructure to support all these HD channels and dont have it fully operational yet. If not, it will be a failure again.
And before anybody says "it must be your internet connection", I have an alternate service with channels in perfect 1080 and they dont freeze at all.