NFPS xmltv EPG Grabber development

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OK. I'm up on my local .bat run, (I'm doing the stripping of the headers from the intermediate mc2xml runs, and retaining the xmls, not doing the -f also, and setting up for pacific Midnight on the dummys) but I'll see if I get a good load off the github when its up.
It's up, but it looks like there may be an issue with the merge of the webgrab and dummy with the mc2xml. The load runs without the webgrab and dummy, at least with the NFPSF. My locally generated guide works, but it does things differently than the .bat that in the github.
looks like, hehehehehee.....


So, seriously, are you gooing to fix it?, not that i try to put pressure on you, i just want to know, not going to use it today, i'm just messing around while i have nothing to do at work, so, you might know how this is.
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I'll give it a try, i was using raw, but it only was showing 8 channels guide.


Ok, now raw is working good, so i won't change it, might be that you where uploading when i tried it.
Ok, in another matter, i check a couple channels, guide is ok on most of them, even time, but i've found that on channels 967 (Max prime este) & 968 (Max prime oeste) the guide is mixed, 967 is showing what is in 968 and the other way around, so i might be an easy fix for you guys.
yeah thats possible, you probably got it while i was syncing the git.

Ill fx the guide data for those channels now. refresh your DB in about 15 mins.. I assume there weill be some more errors in the spanish channels, your input is appreciated
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new pvr.stalker released with full support for this xmltv data source. I recommend using it over IPTV simple Client.

psycon, please you mean that I should use the existing stalker video addon (1.0.18) along with the new pvr stalker client instead of the iptv simple client?
Quick question. For the time zone within pvr.stalker. I have changed to America/Phoenix because I'm from Arizona. The time is still off. Am I putting this information in incorrectly?
The timezone doesn't work yet for the PVR stalker. Apparently it grabs your local time, and default timezone, and matches the epg to it. The EPG is set up for utc. Because Arizona doesn't have DST, it may be wrong, so the author needs to build in something to account for that.
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