Hi I just got my new Mag 254 , how do I know I have the right Mac address ?
I have rocket and had given my Mac address a while back when I was using my dreambox.
Do I need to know what Mac address I had originally listed with rocket ?
I have entered portal name and portal URL , had old password and given my Mac address corresponding to my dreambox how do I find out if this is right ?
I have my password which is still active but will not show up when I try entering on papiao search how do I find out which Mac address to use on my box and where to find it? I have entered Portal 1 name as Rocket and Portal 1 URL as http://11.iptvrocket.tv and after I exit and reboot I get a blue screen with a bar nothing else ????
Because I just setup a mag 254 a week ago without any problem and now I got this same problem, start loading and get stuck in that blue screen with the loading bar.
All worked out fine,
Had to input my Mac address from the Mag 254 to the papiao site , once i entered the old password on the rocket site I just needed to change the Mac address and then rebooted it all downloaded by itself.