Rocket Need Help New Mag 254

Help for Rocket IPTV Server.


New member
Mar 10, 2015
Hi I just got my new Mag 254 , how do I know I have the right Mac address ?
I have rocket and had given my Mac address a while back when I was using my dreambox.
Do I need to know what Mac address I had originally listed with rocket ?
I get Blue screen with bar

I have entered portal name and portal URL , had old password and given my Mac address corresponding to my dreambox how do I find out if this is right ?
I have my password which is still active but will not show up when I try entering on papiao search how do I find out which Mac address to use on my box and where to find it? I have entered Portal 1 name as Rocket and Portal 1 URL as and after I exit and reboot I get a blue screen with a bar nothing else ????:confused:
All worked out fine,
Had to input my Mac address from the Mag 254 to the papiao site , once i entered the old password on the rocket site I just needed to change the Mac address and then rebooted it all downloaded by itself.:cool: