So my Kodi installation appears to be infected with something. Just wanted to let the group know as I am aware some strange stuff has been going on in the community and maybe somebody else can help me out with my issue and put the group on notice. It appears as though my Kodi installation running on Windows 7 has become infected at some point in the last two weeks. It’s possible that a patch I downloaded and used to fix my addon may have been the culprit but I cannot confirm. It was the last change I made to my Kodi installation before seeing the issue. I noticed the problem late at night when my system was running either an auto library update and or more likely an auto library cleanup. One night I caught it attempting to reach out to a streaming site. I think it was h t t p://video/xxxxxxxxx...The following night it did it again and then a few nights later after trying attempting to re-add my file resources as a fix, it came back and this time was attempting to access c:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) directories. So at this point I’ve unplugged my system completely until I can fix or re-do my system.