I have a suspicion the problem with epg on PP has more to do with the naming conventions between the two databases. My understanding is that the channel names have to be EXACT between the two databases otherwise the info from the epg source will not transpose over to the app. I haven't had time to dig into the data to compare the listings between the playlist and the epg sources but if anyone else is able to comment that would be helpful.
I have had a chance to compare the data between the "generic m3u with options" playlist and the euyulio epg. Here is what I have found:
As an example, the Cooking Channel HD populates epg data:
From m3u file:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="30156" tvg-name="
Cooking Channel HD" tvg-logo="http://content.iptvrocket.tv:88/stalker_portal/misc/logos/240/3263.png" group-title="Culture",Cooking Channel HD
From EPG source:
<channel id="I232.68065.schedulesdirect.org">
<display-name>232 Cooking Channel HD</display-name>
<display-name>Cooking Channel HD</display-name>
<icon height="270" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/stationLogos/s68065_h3_aa.png" width="360" />
The lines I have highlighted red are identical
HGTV doesn't populate the epg:
From the m3u file:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="14902" tvg-name="
HGTV East HD" tvg-logo="http://content.iptvrocket.tv:88/stalker_portal/misc/logos/240/2507.png" group-title="Entertainments",HGTV East HD
This is how the EPG source reads:
channel id="I229.49788.schedulesdirect.org">
<display-name>229 HGTV East HD</display-name>
<display-name>HGTV East HD</display-name>
<display-name>Home & Garden Television HD</display-name>
<icon height="270" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/stationLogos/s49788_h3_aa.png" width="360" />
Note the highlighted red text doesn't match. The epg source spells out the words "Home & Garden Television" Rather than the acronym HGTV which the m3u uses in the name.
This is consistent with other channels that don't populate epg such as A&E:
from m3u:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="10036" tvg-name="
A&E East HD" tvg-logo="http://content.iptvrocket.tv:88/stalker_portal/misc/logos/240/583.png" group-title="Entertainments",A&E East HD
From EPG source:
<channel id="I265.51529.schedulesdirect.org">
<display-name>265 A&E East HD</display-name>
<display-name>A&E East HD</display-name>
<display-name>A&E Network HD East</display-name>
<icon height="270" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/schedulesdirect/assets/stationLogos/s51529_h3_aa.png" width="360" />
The names for A&E aren't a match.
So if this in fact what interferes with the epg to populate, what can be changed to ensure both naming conventions match? Maybe the m3u file can be edited to match the epg convention but I think the more appropriate solution would be for the epg source to edit the name consistent with the m3u playlist provided. Perhaps a Mod can provide input into if this is a correct assumption or am I missing something with how this works?