VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.
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Cruiser what are you talking about a hobby? I am looking at the into text and this service is being sold as a multichannel tv and media service.. Does it really not work most of the time?

If your thinking of being a reseller or canceling your cable TV without keeping a basic package then you will be upset all the time. Iptv channels go up and down and if you cannot deal with that and need 100% up time iptv is not something you want.
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115,116,186 All down

115 Directv logo floating around 116 sound only no video, 186 nat geo nothing. 182 Discovery Epg has never been correct in months
why does all this continue? we need a direct report method to Papaio, and If all complaints are being forwarded they sure are not being responded to
Cruiser what are you talking about a hobby? I am looking at the into text and this service is being sold as a multichannel tv and media service.. Does it really not work most of the time?

I am repeating what many others have said on this site declaring that IPTV is a hobby. Do I believe it? No. I will tell you that no one will get any where on this forum focusing on negative views about the service. It will be labeled as "bashing". The montra seems to revolve around price differential comparison between what is paid for iptv service and conventional television service. I have always been of the opinion that if you are offering a service regardless of price you have a responsibility to deliver. If the site advertised that this service is un-stable and should be purchased with no other expectations or stating it is a BETA project then those that choose to buy it are doing so with full disclosure; but if they did that then there would be a decline in "donations".

So it is what it is. The cold hard facts are accept it or move on.
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