Been a loyal user for over a year now. But maybe time to attempt and get some of these down channels going again. Here are just a few HBO East, HBO Comedy, and HBO Zone which has been down for months, & Fox Sports 2.Thanks to all those behind this service.
Can someone please look into this channel? Seems almost like a loose cable between the ird and tuner card or something. Unwatchable, and I really wish I could be watching it.
Hi IPTV team,
Can you guys change the video Player of channels from MP2 to MP3?
Most of the Channels use the MP2 Player and the video motion is slowing, which makes it not good to watch especially when watching an action movie channel...
Example of channels on MP2:
120 CNN US
121 Headline News
125 FOX NEWS Channel
188 HBO2 East
Almost all US Channels use the MP2 Video Player
However, Example of a channel using MP3 video Player: 132 BBC News
You can also add every premium USA cable channel to this list. All down since yesterday HO, Showtime, Sarz, Encore, Syfy showing WGN, cnn, msnbc, fOX nEWS, CBS New York, Destination America. List is endless