VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

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captain america civil war keeps buffering i really want to watch that movie chnnl 337

is there a fix i tried to watch it several times but no good it keeps buffering i have a 16 megabyte connection speed i don't think it needs more than that on windows 10 pro kodi ?? its channel 337 can you please put a better non buffering copy ???
It's time to renew IKS66, which server would be recommended ??

I've been here about a month now and just now introducing myself... I'm running Kodi on Fire TV Stick and Apple TV 1st Gen boxes...
I have got donations using IKS66 and the list of channels are really really long for my little TV stick or Apple box to load up all the time on a slow DSL connection....

I've tried both the iptv stalker Pvr and the iptv simple Pvr and the "Simple" seemed to be the one that works better for me especially
with the channel guide....

What's the difference between the "ROCKET" or "NFPS" or "IKS66" servers and the channels that are offered ??
I'm located in the southeastern USA and primarily interested in USA channels and maybe some UK.
Are the different servers specific to what device I'm using the service on ??

Is there anyway to get specific channels instead of the 1000 or so that the IKS66 offers now, not that it's not great for the price but the loading takes quite a while at slow DSL speed ??

Spike TV - Audio skipping

have been getting random audio loss on Spike TV not sure if anything can be done but every other channel is fine for me.... has been like this for a couple weeks now

"ROCKET", "NFPS" and "IKS66" are all the same just diferent protal selling same service. You can't select specific channels. BTW, you posted this in the wrong thread. Next time post in the "KODI / IPTV BOXES - KODI/IPTV SET TOP BOXES, KODI/IPTV ANDROID, KODI/IPTV RECEIVERS" section that pertains to box in question.
All DirecTV Channels Showing DirecTV Screensaver

As the title states and this kicked in after some satellite signal issues, but now all of the feeds coming from DirecTV are showing the bouncing DirecTV logo screensaver.
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