VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.
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Sky Living [85] , Sky One [90], Sky Atlantic [91], Sky Sports News [160], and Sky News [210] are all down. I haven't checked the others. Nick Jr [171] and Boomerang USA [175] are still down and have been for months. TSN 1-5 [145-149], CTV News Channel [203], and CP 24 [204] all say, channel not available Yesterday [187], Eden [188], and Discovery Turbo [190] are down. My EPG is also not the correct time on most channels.
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Any sugession to view Indian channels on screen

I am wondering only I have problem to view most of the Indian channels or everyone have a same issue. If I am the only one have issue, so anybody have any suggestions to bring back all channels. Need to change any setting or anything else. Please post any recommendation. Thanks in advance.
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