Hi, I'm new to all this but I made a donation and here I am. I donated to insane the person helped me set it up with team viewer. Looked like a lot to remember. My question is 1) I see that my favorite channel has been down for a few days now. The channel is Destination America. Is there a problem with that channel? Will it fix on its own or is it something I have to do on my end? I'm sorry if these are dumb questions or if I'm in the wrong place asking but like I said I'm new to this. I would also like to know as the person that set it up for me used kodis stalker client and it doesn't show the options like the IPTV stalker add on does it just gives me the channels with the guide. Is there a way of seeing the options like on IPTV stalker VOD, PPV, ENTERTAINMENT, SPORTS, ETC. I CANT Seem to find VOD. I WOULD also like to get Destination America up and running. Is there something I have to do on my end to fix this or do I just sit back and wait for it to get fixed on it's own?? Please respond as I will be waiting for your advice on what to do. Thank You Acf150