VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.
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Everything Down

It started out with a lot of freezin so I rebooted my MAG254. No channel numbers or anything now. Hopefully things are fixed sooner than later.

Edit: Go figure! I post after it being down for 10 minutes and now it's all pretty much back. :p Thank you to those who maintain the service!
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read the rules going to start and delete post

Important rules
This section is only for NFPS/Rocket IPTV Service Channel list, please help us point any problems...

1st Rule
ALWAYS Choose the correct POST ICON.
Choose the Down Thumb if channel is DOWN.
Choose the Ice Cream if channel is FREEZING.

2nd Rule
Always Insert the channel having Problems in the Thread Title.

Example: [CH 403] Discovery is down!!!

Use FORMAT ABOVE, if not your post will be removed.
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