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Action max - channel 200

I Think Someone is laughing at us , one by one all the premium channels go down
Is this what we pay for??

ActionMax Join thrillermax , hbo zone, cinemax east, showtime 2 , showtime beyond , showtime east/west
golden hd and many more

The audio level varies from channel to channel. some are very high, while others are extremely low. I hope that with time, the audio levels for all channels would be at a standard and consistent level.
itv most UK channeks are crap come 8i sh UK time

The UK channels freezing and Audio is very bad i have have 16 more donations to sell but i cannot see me selling them as the channels are so bad any chance of a refund on 16 donations?

Thank you

This the 4th night in a row
It seems like more and more channels are not playing what they should be. H2 and Crime and Investigation are still not playing the correct feeds either. C&I has been like that for weeks and H2 has been for about a week now. Hopefully the three will be fixed soon!
Discovery Channel USA is also down! I have also noticed the guide being quite a mess on channels where it still works. Comedy Cental's information seems to be about 5 hours behind the time stuff actually airs and the same applies for a few other channels.
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