I see this again and again with every freaking addon for kodi people are whining "why is it buffering" wha wha..buffering is highly situational, and if you have a route with no caps by isps (us providers has alot of caps especially overseas) you will have no problems. I listened to the same shit about 1channel and other addons for years "why is 1channel buffering" well tell you what it is not buffering here even though I used the same source as users complaining. as said buffering is usually a result of more than one thing, and its freaking annoying listening to people who does not know how the internet works or if their isp is using caps and being cheap and if its satellite or cable or fiber. and no your advertised bandwidth does not mean sh*t, the transport all the way to the source does.
I stream from this service pretty much 24/7 and I do not see excessive buffering at all, maybe 5 times a day max for a sec or twoand a channel freeze that just needs to be restarted, and I can live with that for the price and the afterall still early stages I still see things get better by the day. I know everybody does not watch the same channels though, but if its a problem for you guys that even had 2 months of free service I simply do not get it. you should have found a good isp I the meantime, if you still were not satisfied you should simply not have donated or maybe waited (you all new the state it was in when it went live), coz what you are doing now (the whining) is f*cking childish.
Buffering is the infinite thread starter with no one conclusive answer. you could have the best servers in the world and some people will still complain about buffering even if its free or not. lol
As to the streams can be found consistently in other addons, again theres no need to whine, if you feel you can do that you are more than free to do so.
edit: sorry about the profanity.
and no that's not a chip on my shoulder. i'm done now. lol
let's be constructive now and report the channels that might have problems, and check your donation from another location, a friend, family, or someone else that has another service provider than the one you have. it's the best advice I can give.