VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.
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106 and 342 missing from channels on VIXO 1

I'm missing channels 106 and 342 from my channel list and there listed on channel list in forum is it on my end or did I do something wrong
95 Sky Arts 2 and 198 Eden

Channels 95 Sky Arts 2 and 198 Eden are down.

It been over 1 week since they went down.

When will they be back up ?

I hope they will be back up soon.

105 usa

I watched Raw tonight, First 30 min. was good, next 30 min. it froze about every min. or so, next hour it froze about every 20 to 30 seconds, last hour was un-watchable, it froze about every 5 seconds. I tried different buffer settings, but nothing helped. This service is great, but I sure hope this can be improved. BA
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