IPTV66 mag 254 worked with iks66 no problem

IPTV66 Help here!


New member
May 11, 2015
yes i do
just finished my neighbours hookup, just added his 13 didget password, selected ok, blue bars came up, turned to yellow bars, loaded up, left him happily watching espn. never did a reboot or changed his mac number, just filled in the 2 new log in fields with his 13 didget password, select ok, always give machines TIME to load, hope this helps some
just rechecked with neighbor password has 13 didgets in the email he received from iks66. password and user the same 13 didgets, not 12 didgets, I triple checked the info, he is still watching tv
My input was also 13 digits. What's up with only 12? More important what is up with IKS4less or IKS66 or whatever they want to be called with 2 days of no audio or video just guides? No response either. I'm getting bad vibes.