Rocket m5 android box

Help for Rocket IPTV Server.
Try this hope it helps

Step by step guide, working 100% in Kodi 16 ( Jarvis )

Step 1: Go to System / File Manager / Add Source and add this repo:
Step 2: Name it whatever you want
Step 3: Go back into System / Settings / Addons / Install from Zip file and click on the source you just added.
Step 4: Go to Addons / Install
Step 5: Go to Install from Repository / EPG Ninja / Services / and install Stalker EPG Updater
Step 6: Go to My Add-ons / PVR Clients / Stalker Client
Step 7: Click on Configure / Choose Portal 1
Step 8: In MAC Address - Enter your MAC address
Step 9: Server Address / enter the one that corresponds to your MAC

IPTV66 –

Step 10: In Login/Password - Enter your donation number
Step 11: In Guide Preference choose XMLTV Only
Step 12: Cache Guide Data ( Checked )
Step 13: Scope Remote URL:
Step 14: Leave Token alone
Step 15: Serial Number: Make up any 12-13 digits here like so ( 2154215421546 ) that's just an example but you can enter any 12-13 digits you want
Step 16: Device ID / Device ID2: Any six digits, make them up
Step 17: Signature: Any six digits as well
Step 18: Click OK and Enable the Stalker Client
Step 19: Go to System / Tv /in General click Enable

If you get Authorization failed, please reset your MAC here:

If you can not reset your MAC for whatever reason then change it to another MAC, get one from here:
You must activate this mac and reset it as well.

If you get ID mismatch then go back to System / Settings / Addons / My Add-ons / PVR Clients / Stalker Client / Configure / and scroll down to Advanced and change your Device ID/ID2 to another number

Step 20: After resetting your MAC go to System / Tv / General and Disable Tv and Clear Data
Step 21: Enable Tv

If you get unable to load guide message Restart Kodi.

Step 22: Go back to the main menu and you should see in your Confluence menu bar a Tv button, go ahead and launch the guide from there.

You are DONE!
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There is a step by step video that was posted, it doesn't get easier than that....

POD77 you would think it was easy hahaha. I just tried the video instrctions a few days ago and had a no go then I saw they changed directions on March 5th the instruction I posted above are from the same you-tube channel just updated!

By the way if the OP is still having issues after using the above directions you may want to get a mag or avov to save yourself from going crazy!
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