You will most likely need to pay more money to get the limit removed. Not certain of that just assuming. Since that is the only part of the website currently working. Let me know if that works for you.
question, it says I reached my limit and I was wondering how is that possible whenever I tried to change my mac address it wouldn't go thru, so what is the limit anyway?
People responded in the other thread and you won't accept that it's an issue on your end! Stop going from post to post posting the same BS....FOR PEOPLE HAVING TROUBLE WITH BUFFERING OR FREEZING. MIGHT WANT TO DO A UPDATE FOR PAPIO FROM 10 TO 10.0.1. IT DIDNT HELP ME ANY, MY CHANNELS R FREEZING SO BAD IM NOT GETTING ANY SOUND. BUT HERES THE REPO
Stang, quit shouting when posting to this site. Turn the caps off please.