IPTV66 Iptv66

IPTV66 Help here!
Ya still nothing coming up this is what it sayen. Internet enable my ip and mac . Then the next line is WiFi disabled ip not available. But the mac number is different than mine should it be the same?
with that IP error or what ever it is, I can't see it being a service issue.

You could send me your email in a private message and I can check on your code.
yes, I got it.
I checked it and everything looks good at the server end.
There was a MAC attached.
I sent you a PM... check the MAC is correct
Default IPTV Portal URL

If the default IPTV Portal URL doesn't work please try the full version...

The above is what is showing as your server URL bobby.
You could also try using the s2 instead of the s1
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