IPTV Stalker video add-on - all platforms

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Thanks a lot Dara. The live tv and plug in seems to be working now. Some 600 plus channels gets loaded as well. EPG i am not sure yet as i have not figured out how much timeshift i need to do for London.

Much appreciated!!!!

For London, I think it will be +5 hours on the offset. Make sure you reset the epg after you set that on the pvr client.

(checked on TimeandDate)
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Back up on my Mac with 15. as well as my fire TV.. (restarting Kodi after uninstalling the old version seems crucial)
Channel numbers/groups working fine for me on both. clear your plugins cache then reset your EPG and PVR databases.

*OP needs version bump
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you should get EPG for 67 channels for now, looks like there might be a fix in the works at some point.

1.0.15 - still have incorrect channel numbers and no groups here - running on a linux arm box.

Through modding the plugin's cache file in /userdata/addon_data/plugin.video.stalker so the channel names match the names in the xmltv data then purging your EPG and PVR databases you can get more channels to populate data.

**Using IPTV.stalkers "clear cache" function will revert your changes though. so if your going to do this, make sure everything is working correctly first
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ooh never ever use wordpad.. i was using textwrangler on a mac. on a pc u should us notepad++ (copy + pasting from wordpad to notepad++ and resaving should fix if you already did a bunch of work, i thnk)
ooh never ever use wordpad.. i was using textwrangler on a mac. on a pc u should us notepad++ (copy + pasting from wordpad to notepad++ and resaving should fix if you already did a bunch of work, i thnk)

Is it possible to add the channels with no epg data into the list so they at least show up in the epg with "no information" making all 650 show up on the epg?
Is it possible to add the channels with no epg data into the list so they at least show up in the epg with "no information" making all 650 show up on the epg?

If they are missing completly from the XML dataset, you could just rename them to a channel that is listed and has no data, like the music channels.. you can rename more than 1 channel to the same name and both will show the same value... If your doing this, get all the working channels done first, and save a copy of the file.. then go in and rename the dummy channels as fixing it in the future would be near impossible..

I use TVGuide for windows to easily view the xml file, jsut run the program, load backup and point it to your xmltv file.
just redownload it. the OP jsut hasnt been updated yet

Thanks, so I updated from 1.0.7 to 1.0.15 and now iptv doesnt work, says IPTV server Offline, I even added a MAC Adress starting with 00:1A:79:ZZZ and tried couple different MAC still not working, what else changed? tnx
ded you exit Kodi after uninstalling the old version?

yepp, currently i just removed the new stalker and closed kodi, then re-opened and did everything all over and still "Script Failed", I installed 1.0.15 Stalker, then in config. selected custom MAC entered a random mac starting with 00:1A:79 then selected Send Serial and closed the config, enabled stalker and says script failed even after restarting kodi :( isnt that all I needed to do, I did not select Custom serial... plz help tnx
Hi guys,

I did a stupid update after version 1.0.11 that it has been affecting the authentication. That's why many people are getting errors and some channels are offline.
I've just reverted this part of the code and it seems to work fine now.
yepp, currently i just removed the new stalker and closed kodi, then re-opened and did everything all over and still "Script Failed", I installed 1.0.15 Stalker, then in config. selected custom MAC entered a random mac starting with 00:1A:79 then selected Send Serial and closed the config, enabled stalker and says script failed even after restarting kodi :( isnt that all I needed to do, I did not select Custom serial... plz help tnx

Download the version 1.0.16 and uncheck the custom mac and send serial.
I've just fixed this bug.
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