NFPS / Private IPTV Sport_Music_Adult -channel names

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)
Sports lost 14 channels overnight will have t se which ones, Golf added just before the adults.

damn, I just went thru them @6 pm yesterday too :eek:
I did see the lower ones were off-line, now gone altogether.
Thanx Duk, I'll re-check the content for changes.

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Sport channels updated
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Always nice to read your cheerful and positive posts, especially this early in the morning, thks so much and keep it up. I will reserve you a seat on the short bus..
Cannot get password protected channels to work, i tried and to type numbers in and it does not allow me to even type, using MagTv emu. MyGica, is there a way to be able to fix this problem?
Listed are the correct names as of April 23 @ pm
Sport 1 thru Sport 30
channels 226 thru 255

Sport 8 RDS 25 -french
Sport 10 NBCSN
Sport 11 Fox Sports 506HD Live -offline

Just an update to the three sports channels in question here.

Sports 8 is just RDS, It's basically the french version of TSN from Montreal, the 25 is for "25 ans" which is for how many years they've been around.

Sports 10 is Sportsnet 360, it is also a Canadian sports channels, TSN's competitor.

Sports 11 I believe is Fox Sports 500, just based on the number in the top right corner.

Also to note that all the sports channels have moved from 226-255 to 418-447.

Just thought I would give you an update. This is from my readings this past Saturday.
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Sports channels updated in post #1
A few changes have happened since last update. I've left the old channel name shown in the updated list, denoted as 'formally'