IPTV66 IPTV is completely down. no client is working.

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New member
Oct 22, 2015
yes I do
I have been getting channel cannot load errors within kodi on multiple front ends (stalker, iptv emu, etc) rotated mac's as well. no connectivity... I just signed up for the 6 month's sub back on Thanksgiving so I know my sub is good.
The site says server is up. going to 66.iptv66.tv on a web browser gets a website response so I know the server is connectable but it's not negotiating with any actual clients.

Anyone else on the IPTV66 having this issue?
When it went down I changed my mac.. Thinking I needed to do that of course. Weird part is the system is showing mac address status is already in use in my previous mac and new mac, the new mac isn't working at all, the old one seems to be working except the new one I changed it too is needed for the guide to work.

I'm assuming eventually the old mac will stop working and I'll need to migrate over to the new one.
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