IPTV66 iks66 website says IPTV Portal: NA

IPTV66 Help here!
It is very encouraging to read on the Rocket and NFPS forums of peeps getting their boxes up and running again, they must have some pretty good devs over there. Meanwhile on 66 NADA...not one post saying 'it's working'.

It seems the 'reply' button on their email machine does not work and they are lacking in technical expertise, they should hire a programmer to sort out the mess the webpage is in.
some encouraging news guys.
There have been improvments (fixes) on most internal features with the server websites (internal means admin features).
I just experienced a few of them.
Meaning that it is ongoing.

This thread here I gonna sticky.
It is meant for those that get the IPTV PORTAL: NA
when they have the correct IPTV service paid for.

Please keep discussion down to minimal, makes it easier to have those that need attention, get it.

No jinx's aloud ....been up all day Wednesday did see the error that was mentioned at the first few
posts, i have more then device an account but only one has been smooth iptv on kodi comp but down on droid and up/down iks,,,im not touching anything on the one that works...hope they succeed eh guys...
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My service was working all day and just went down. Really frustrating for someone who suffers from insomnia

I too suffer from insominia
I have 2 laptops up an running, one for ytubes. I have three TVs up and running, one for walking dead series.
I have beer. I have beer. I have guns.
I have no sleep, and this iptv is making me cranky !
hwy, wait a sec here. I thought I had asked to keep this thread on topic of IPTV PORTAL : NA
with minamal discussion.

I am disapointed in this sticky thread.
How can we keep forums organized so members can navagate and find the chit they need ?
And members ask why there is not so much organized for them to see easy at a glance
I am dissa pointed

thread open and unstuck !

I will make a new one.