How to set up pvr.stalker with NFPS and have a Full EPG

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i look all post i didnt find any link only talking about donation(nfps) or rocket but no link and u ar saying there is lot of link why u dont just put the link & i didnt ask to u asked @Blackbear199 . its helps all the new people . thanks
i look all post i didnt find any link only talking about donation(nfps) or rocket but no link and u ar saying there is lot of link why u dont just put the link .. its helps all the new people . thanks

Read Post #144 very carefully and you will understand what to do. I don't have to post a link for you if you read properly.
Getting unable to load channels here.

Donation: Rocket
Kodi: 15 RC2 - using modified stalker addon with timeout fix (60 seconds).
Mac: Added via ""
Server Address: Ive tried quiet a few. Currently I have it set to "
EPG URL: http:// (note space in url to disable live links, to not break forum rule)

Not sure what else to try.
Did you try the technique after "To manually resolve connection issue with version 0.8.x" on the first post?
Yes, I tried that before I used the modified stalker addon, where it is no longer neccesary. The Mac I am using is in the format of "01:1A:79:XX:XX:XX". I remember reading that changing the 79 to 78 is not working yet. So I have left it as 78.
Yes, I tried that before I used the modified stalker addon, where it is no longer neccesary. The Mac I am using is in the format of "01:1A:79:XX:XX:XX". I remember reading that changing the 79 to 78 is not working yet. So I have left it as 78.

You want "79" as the linked MAC and the one you enter into the PVR.Stalker
Oops typo on my part. Yes I am using 79. Sorry for the confusion. But I sorta have it working...Least on one box via stalker. I have several boxes. But I have been testing trying to get this work on my PC first as its just easier to test there. I have yet to get it to work on my PC. But on one of the boxes that everything was working fine on before private, I decided to test real quick. I simply changed the server url to and updated the mac on the website. I did not change the mac in stalker for that box. Just used the same one I was using before it went private. And go figured it works... Now I have to figure out how to get my other boxes working, as this is not the box I want it working on.

This process seems very finicky. Same settings on one box as the other, and it works on that box and not the other. (yes changing mac on website when testing).
I can see why users are pulling their hair out.
"Cloning" userdata does work to some extent in Kodi, just have to be careful about the guisettings.xml and the Database folder, as they may be installation specific. PVRs are also different. I don't know if a direct clone of PVR.Stalker userdata is advisable, because the versions for Windows kodi and Android kodi are compiled differently, but the settings.xml should be good.
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