I don't know what's going on, but I paid the Donation to Rocket to get IPTV credentials,
and I still cannot connect. Frustrated.
The setup details (which I followed to the letter):
-- KODI version: 16.0 Alpha-1 (from GitHub; complied yesterday). I've compiled from GitHub this many times.
-- PVR Client: Stalker PVR v0.9.3 (complied yesterday).
-- MAC: 00:1A:79:xx:yy:zz (Where the last 3-octects, match the last 3-octects of my PC's eth0 device).
-- Channel URL:
-- XMLTV Guide URL:
-- Username: 12-digit number
-- Password: 12-digit number (same as Username)
-- Prefer XMLTV is set
-- Connect timeout: 120 (seconds).
I've also cleared both caches several times before enabling TV.
After waiting 120 seconds, I get:
"Stalker Client :: Unable To Load Channels".
The "settings.xml" file looks fine. But just in case there is bug in what portal gets pointed to, I made all portal
entries, 1-through-5, have the identical settings above.
What's going on?