Would you be kind enough to provide a link to version 1.0.11 (or 1.0.10) so I can try this please? On one box I have ver 1.0.15 and that definitely messes up the channels, grouping, channel order and epg info.
Now that I see how this is going to work I would like to use both the pvr (simple client) as well as the stalker video addon. I stopped the auto update function on Kodi so any changes won't mess things up and was thinking that I would keep watching here to find out when all the kinks get worked out. In the meantime I'm happy to have a minor epg just for movie channels so I don't have to keep looking online.
I have version 1.0.15 on one box and 1.0.13 on another.
This is GREAT STUFF! Have told several people about it and they are all impressed!
That post is outdated see http://iptvtalk.net/showthread.php?...e-Client-using-IPTV-Stalker-and-I-Vue-TV-Data