IPTV66 hello i need help figuring this out

IPTV66 Help here!


New member
Sep 23, 2015
yes i do
so i bought 2 iptv66 donations from a seller on ebay with good rep.
i set up my stb emulator on my phone with the mac i gave him and etc but the 2 donation numbers he gave me come up with error when i enter them on the login password field
any help will be appreciated
the resellers that do not give their clients the needed info SUX
I will find you and destroy you !

give your clients the Client ID... fucking simple
I will and will do, destroy you if you do not !
Any i see in my searches
i have helped resellers in the past.

If any think i can not shut them down, then just have a ponder.

your clients need to log on to papioa site.. you have not given them the needed info to do that.

I will destroy your client base in a click of the mouse.

take care of your clients !!