NFPS / Private Freezing

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)
lol look some pay 3 times as much for others and get more freeze most of time its you about 75% of time the rest is them working on it or someone trying too stop it nothing is perfect i will tell you that but like i said most of time it your setting or internet provider you use and i have found that to be true or your old dang wireless router
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You are so wrong MARLEY .....Why you said this that are not truth....if you not sure don't say things....its not the router or the internet isp its the server freezing .make sure before you say something . Thanks and please iptv66 please fix again the freeze and many channels are not working when all channels will be normal and the epg not showing on all the channels and how much iptv66 need to increase the donations to receive better service with out to much freezing and all channels working.....thanks bye
look i said its about 75 % us and i did say they have problems sometimes i know many channels are fine we have place to post what channels are giving you problem cant be all of them