nobody else down on Discovery? Shoot if this the wrong place to post UP/DOWN let me know...but for the most part its 40% down as I scroll thru chnls
On kodi the new added channels will not work due to the incompatibility issue with the add-on and which that is something which should be fixed by the author of the add-on, although you can install Bluestacks on your laptop to get them up for you since they are working flawless on the emulator but not on the stalker when it comes to the new added channels.
almost 10 pm EST can confirm some lag on comedy central ocmes and goes. playboy tv USA is also terrible for me chops like crazy im sure it will get fixed im hoping its a congestion issue on server side and not my isp haah. aaaaa good old stress testing.... things will get better
What is your equipment setup?
been watching comedy central for well over an hour now and 0 issues. quality is superb. it is now 11:45pm EST and still going strong.. so to sum it up worked for 31 mins, crashed, had to reload and its been working fine.
Same here been working all day for me, finally I get to watch without buffering! Discovery still buffers like crazy for me...only three more days then my Mag254 gets here, will update then.
yes indeed the choppiness is back in full force.
Good to know. been trouble shooting myself into oblivion.