Quick Question if I may...
Some Body Styles of some Autos stayed the same for a few years with only the addition of Pin Stripes and New Fancy Colors... Do those have to be posted One at a Time by Different Year...?!?
For Example :Code:https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/culture/in-pictures-corvette-through-the-years/article7683578/
Scroll done to almost the bottom and there is a 1958 Vette(Silver) and below that is a 1960 Vette(Red)... Both Convertibles, different Colors.!
1958 :Code:https://www.theglobeandmail.com/resizer/hQPSdk1_UUDt-fA7CtXRbZ8SZWQ=/1200x0/filters:quality(80)/arc-anglerfish-tgam-prod-tgam.s3.amazonaws.com/public/RFLOP3XVDBDTPHDJZPDHQQCQN4
1960 :Code:https://www.theglobeandmail.com/resizer/vm05L8lLqFhQxtjLQp4dPKFsOGc=/1200x0/filters:quality(80)/arc-anglerfish-tgam-prod-tgam.s3.amazonaws.com/public/OBNOFIBTKFCRPJ4JCSCWYNSBXI
yes each year would be a guess don't matter what the differences are
1982 DeLorean DMC-12
WOW, This Contest can go all the way to Christmas...!
Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio 2019
Thanks to Farmer1 for this Contest, Thanks to Ryu for making this one possible by Donating Their Winning earlier and Thanks to Formuler and IPTVTalk...!
It may take a while, that is my plan.
I want to make the IPTV book of records for the longest raffle in its history
Its me against all Members and staff
Lol...! Then I Guess No Hints in the Near Future...?!? LMOL...!
Like Maybe a 10 Year Hint : the Year of Your Auto + and - 5 Years...!
Example : Your Auto is '69 Camaro so the 10 Year Spread would be 1964 thru 1974...!
There's a hidden hint on the first page. Can you find it,If you can figure that out i will give you another hint
I should ask crazed if i make it the longest raffle do I get the Formuer Z8 LMAO
That would be the only chance I would have to win, I don't need to win I just enjoy the challenge of seeing how long it will last
"I should have a good chance at winning this raffle LOL"
Thanks to the Formuler team for the original donation to the Formuler X8.
Thanks to RYU for donating the Formuler Z8 back to be raffled again.
This raffle will be open to all Members and Staff
I should have a good chance at winning this raffle LOL
To be fair I will stay out of it
Rules are simple 1 guess every12 hr
I am thinking of a car
What car am I thinking of
From you I need the Year, Make and Model
Hints are going to be scares on this one
Have fun Good luck