IPTV66 FOR KODI 15 users who cant login auth and iptv using pvr stalker client

IPTV66 Help here!


New member
Jun 5, 2015
yes i do
IVE testing it also, seems for most people, kodi 15 will not authenticate your credentials set in pvr stalker client,
further, i have also tested back to back ver 15, then ver 16, and in fact every time kodi 15 would not authenticate my ids or login,

every time only kodi 16 allowed me to access service, and even then it took 5 minutes using kodi,
however this i dont think is a problem at their head end, because other emus and boxes authenticate fairly fast and connect
with way less issues than kodi,

so for anyone on kodi ver 15,
most likely you will need ver 16 to even connect to servers properly,

dont know whats preventing 15, but theres some revision made in 16 that authorizes the way their servers need it to.
what changes in kodi , who knows.
What this means is that even if the credential sets in the PVRs are identical, you would have to do a IPTV Reset if you switch Kodi versions. Thanks for the input.
If you are using the box to switch back and forth then as dara has set you need to do a rest. If your trying 15.2 on another box and you have issues getting it working, then your not doing something right. The original PVR Client for 15.2 has a bug where the timeout is not set correctly in the config and you may need to set it manually.