NFPS / Private Fixing iVue Guide to work with IPTV Stalker ("failed authorization")

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)
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I was unable to locate the "addons.ini" file on Windows 10. Is there any way to look into C: > Program Files (x86) > etc....

Can someone help me...

I am using Windows 7 but search could not find the addons.ini file either.
Here is the path where I found it:
C>>Users>>Media>>AppData>>Roaming>>Kodi>>userdata>>addon data>>script.tvguidetecbox>>addons

hope this helps a bit
FYI. If you do correct and modify the addons.ini file, be sure to keep the file handy. I'm not sure of this, but if the EPG updates every 12h,24hrs,etc, I think it will replace the code with the old code, until they impliment some type of "Mac Address" entry in the iVue settings. Thought I would mention it, in-case users get the authorization failed message. If you do get this again, simply overwrite the addons.ini file again, with the one you made with your ACTIVE donation. Also, if you get "failed authentication" for a some channels but not all, remove the source and remap it with the IPTV Stalker addon.
To prevent your 'custom' addons.ini file from getting overwitten, rename it, and in the iVue settings, change 'addon.ini selection' to 'Custom File', and the next line, point it to you customized addons.ini . The default addons.ini is supposed to be overwritten if updated by the guide server, but if you point it to a customized ini not named addons.ini, it won't be overwitten. (this is based on knowledge of FTV Guide from which iVue was forked from. Historically TV Guide add-on is the original basis, FWIW.)
Just a Note... When Doing This On A MAC Computer, It Will Not Work The Same For The (Fire TV Sticks). For Some Reason
I addons.ini File Doesn't show the Mac address in the code in its entirety. I Had To Do A Backup From The Stick To A Windows Computer
And Pull Out The Code As You Mentioned In Your Post. I Thank You For Helping Everyone, I Hope This also Helps The MAC Users... Cheers!
just wondering if you could help me out with fixing the guide to work with iptv stalker ever since everything went down im not able to use the the guide and that is on a fire tv stick thanks a lot .
I would think that, the people behind all of this, could come up with some kind of a guide, that works. Most of us are not capable of doing the long process of trying to fix iVue least get us a easy fix to resolving the errors associated with it..c'mon peeps, you can do this.😊
The Fire stick is kind of hard to deal with because you can't side load a file easily into it. I suggest posting the question in the device forum:

to discuss how to do it. The method in post #1 generally works as it only is an edit of the current file to accept your MAC instead of the one in the default addons.ini.

My understanding is that the ivue guide team is trying to figure out how to allow entry of your linked mac in their add-on, so users won't have to go through this manual process.
just wondering if you could help me out with fixing the guide to work with iptv stalker ever since everything went down im not able to use the the guide and that is on a fire tv stick thanks a lot .

As long as you enter your encrypted MAC address everywhere after the word "MAC" and before the word "Serial" it should work. I'm not sure what you currently have showing in your addons.ini file, but that should resolve your issue.
Mine also has "null" and "serial" in it. I see that I have a few addons.ini files here, but when I search for MAC address using notepad ++ I get the MAC address with null and serial in it also.

As long as you enter your encrypted MAC address everywhere after the word "MAC" and before the word "Serial" it should work. I'm not sure what you currently have showing in your addons.ini file, but that should resolve your issue.
Is there a fix for linux/osmc/kodi? Im been playing around in the folder /home/osmc/.kodi/addons/script.tvguidetecbox but cant find the right file to to place the right mac adress into? Anyone?
Thanks For The Info. I Just Need A Bit More Help.

My Mac Code Has The Words NULL SERIAL and PASSWORD In It, Is That
Correct? mac%22%3A+%22%2C+%22SERIAL%22%3A

When I decode I don't see a mac address I get this: mac": "",

I even tried with just mac%22%3A%22%2C and get the same mac": "",

I went to the site you gave[/url]

Mine has this too.

The website decodes it as
mac": "", "serial": null, "password": "0000"%7

Apparently this doesn't work for everyone. Would be nice to have a working .ini though
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