Rocket down again?

Help for Rocket IPTV Server.
I'm not saying it will make a difference, but IPTV PVR Stalker is different from PVR Stalker client. IPTV PVR Stalker doesn't do the authenticating. That is accomplished by IPTV Stalker Plus whereas PVR Stalker client does its own authenticating. Do make sure PVR Stalker client is not enabled at the same time as IPTV Stalker Plus because that will cause an issue.

giving it a go....will keep you notified as to what happens
Setup pvr stalker client. Guide came up blank with no channel info and still no viewable channels with the exception of adult 1 etc and international. Same as before through stalker plus add on or through pvr simple client. Channels and guide were working well 4 hours ago. Did another iptv reset and exact same thing.
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Kaos did send me a message today.
I can not check your code thou, cause you never sent me any info about that.
I have read thru this thread and seems it may not be a code issue as you do get it working sporadically.
Issues with the server are never isolated to one member. They may be isolated to a region (ISPs) or an android device or a application such as an example one or more certain Stalker versions.

If you would sent me your info and completely shut your device(s) off, then I could test that code here for results.
That way we could eliminate the server as the issue, if is the case.

You would have to also include a run down on the exact issues.
Would have loved to do that crazed but it seems that someone banned me for swearing....hmmm. And all I was doing was looking for some assistance from someone that may actually know the root problem. Since my last post have have tried a vpn connection to see if it may be isp blocking an no luck. Exactly the same issues. Next step is another factory reset on my device and reload everything. If anything, I am figuring my way around this software now quite efficiently
on site we have a few staff that will not allow even the slightest amount of cussing.
Even the abbreviations that do refer to cuss words will not fly with some of our staff.
It is their choice to enforce that.
Sorry, nothing I can do as I will not overstep any decision made by staff.
You will have to wait out the ban period or PM the staff member involved with a respectful explanation, and he may just overturn the ban :)
Entirely the staff members choice thou.

Same problems here

All working great for months then all of a sudden dead - nothing but (errno 10060) time out messages except on adult channels. All on Rocket11 just sitting back and waiting corrections on server side - no ISP block - friend came over and plugged in his rocket info in on NPFS4 and all worked great - I put my info back in on rocket11 and nothing but timeout errors.

Just going to be awhile - again while everything gets sorted through

Good day
Kind of going through the same thing...


My purchased app in my homescreen IPTVSTALKER will connect to portal shake hands and everything else. It shows all the channels but when I click on any channel it doesn't even give me a spinning wheel. just gives me a "open url error timed out". that's it. I'm new to this. can anybody help? do I have to set up a vpn? since it might be an isp issue? when I go into kodi it does the same exact thing. loads all the channels but does not give me a working signal. This all started when I changed my mac id from 79 to 78 to work with Ivue and Kodi itself. Don't know where I went wrong. I would greatly appreciate any help thanks.
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