dont know what happened or how to fix it

from all the crazy instructions,i think the most important to keep in mind are to change the mac address,then set the timeout setting to maximum value on pvr stalker,if it doesn't work right away,keep hitting clear data on tv settings,until it works,that's how i solved my issue.
Follow Alucard up above :)

I had to change my mac temporarily and then back to "refresh" the custom serial #s as i was using pvr.stalker.nfps that i assume auto added other behind the scenes keys. Then Alucards steps.
Ok, Ladies and Gents,

I have a verified through papiao 2 good working donation codes. I have followed the instructions and have read multiple pages. I'm using KODI 16-R-3, PVR Stalker Middleware V. 1.0.3. I've used the long form portal for IKS Rocket, tried with 2 completely different donation codes, with 2 new MAC addresses each. I've reset the port, and the IPTV reset as well. I am still getting an authentication failure. My serial number is 13 characters, 1 letter, 12 numbers, I've tried with only 12 numbers as well. My Device ID is 12 numbers as well and have tried a smaller set of only 6 numbers. I have uninstalled kodi at least 5 times. I have checked all of my strings for a typo and have found none.