IPTV66 DNS servers can't lookup 66.iptv66.tv anymore?!

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tux tux tux
Jul 24, 2015
in my head
DNS servers can't lookup 66.iptv66.tv anymore? (SOLVED!)

Hello world!

dns lookups on dns servers seems to time out ie. you can't use the service anymore.
Anyone knows what's going on? And if there is a new address?

try nslookup its gone ;(
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Actually it appears to be a routing issue. If you do trace routes you will find that it times out when it goes offshore and hits the the UK. May not be a server issue after all. Some of you not in the states or Canada, do a trace route and let us know what you see.

Just logged into my VPN in Sweden. Same trace route issue. Stops and errors out and never leaves Sweden . Could also be bad DNS information. Will just have to wait and see.
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