Please guys can report to the tech team of the constant freezing ...
Plays for about a minute then freezes ..
It's been like this since yesterday ..
Plays for about a minute then freezes ..
It's been like this since yesterday ..
Still constant freezing on iks66 any suggestion to fix it
working great now!
more info goes along way you said not all channels.....theres 800+ chs the admin team cant sit on each ch and see if theres a buffer post chs and see if others are having the same issue also don't forget to try another internet connection
I was getting a mild buffer on spike last night but when it started I reloaded stream and it went away
I think my post is good enough
I'm not part of the tech team .
I don't need to sit home and make a list lol
They're more then capable bro .
Point is A LOT of channels are working right .
Conprende.. ?
The tech team needs to get to work been like this for days . No excuses..
So you want your problems fixed but you don't care to share what your problems are No No comprendo
but hey enjoy ur tv
This papioTV service on a Mag box 254 is a joke. The box is down more than it's up. Stay as far away from them as possible. In the past year, it's worked roughly 65-70% of the time. The Youtube feature is gone and has been for months. Constantly changing portals, resets, freezing picture, days of no service (including the past 4-5 days).. Complete garbage. Run from them as fast as possible. They should be making shoes or something else as far away from IPTV as possible, because they're clueless..
thnx djsolospins
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tech team had been working of the freezing and did get it mostly stopped.
I do not know much about missing channels thou.
Bro . Stay off my post thanks .
Your a waste of time .
tech team had been working of the freezing and did get it mostly stopped.
I do not know much about missing channels thou.