VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.
231 and 342 cowboy channel the most persisantly requested channels will need a mpeg4 receiver to get from sat now, days are numbered for that but not BLS.
I am not sure if this is the proper area for this post but here goes. As I understand after checking out the posts. The free iptv is about to become a paid one. That's fine with me. I think it is going great and will be well worth the bucks to have it to play with. My question is: The original channel list given to us included most all the DN lineup which we are now enjoying. However they have had only one encore movie channel since the movie channels were implemented, that being channel 340. Has been no new channels added since 5/09. Do you think the rest of encore will arrive before they go private? If not, after private will they still be changing and adding channels. Thanx BTW I am a western buff and my main entertainment is channel 342