IPTV66 Buffering

IPTV66 Help here!


New member
Oct 19, 2015
The buffering for iptv66 has been so bad for the last 2 weeks that it is unwatchable.Have set up advanced settings and still buffers every 10 secs.Anyone else having issues with this service?
Sometimes, some channels unwatchable. Others maybe get 5-10mins. Other channels fine.

It is a little frustrating for a paid service. I run back to filmon regularly unfortunately which is free and used by many more people and never seems to buffer like this service and that's free although you have very limited channels. They probably have bigger or better servers or whatever at filmon although pictures only in 480 but watchable.

It is what it is I guess. I've learnt complaining about it achieves nothing but it's good to find out they you are not the only one with this problem. We've all gone a little mad and been frustrated
Been at my daily channel checking today. Been at it for a couple hours now.
There have been very few channels that buffer or even freeze at all.
This buffering seemingly reported as a server issue, is not a server issue 90% of the time.
Give me some channels to check for buffering and I will be honest in my test and reports.

If there is no buffering here, then how could it be a server issue ?
Hey I don't mind. It is what it is and for $80 a year I'm more than happy. There will always be some issues and you can't please everyone.

It works and there is an epg guide. That will do me just fine

I understood your comments bud :)

I do this checking daily thing so as the members can have a point to work from.
If I can honestly report what is seen here, then the member can use that as a starting point in his or her troubleshooting.
Is why I ask for channels that seem to buffer more then others. That way I also have something to work with :)
well i have another service and i never once in a year had bufferring issues ,my sons internet has been perfect all the other addons on my android box are perfect and when i switch this service on ive constant buffering on the uk channels especially so its not my connection i think its from the service or uk channel server especially
The service is now a mess. It was like this the last time. Very little is done to fix things until the services are in crisis mode. I have to believe the folks who really know the servers only work part time and are only called in when things get really, really bad. Time to call!
it was very bad yesterday...will check it out after work tonight.....see how the rest of month goes and will determine if i renew at that point.......for the price I am still very happy with what i got, just wish some of the sports channel would work a lil better....but overall a good value
it was very bad yesterday...will check it out after work tonight.....see how the rest of month goes and will determine if i renew at that point.......for the price I am still very happy with what i got, just wish some of the sports channel would work a lil better....but overall a good value

I'd rather pay a bit more for a reliable service, from my experience it never works for English Premier League games and the choice of channels is poor so you get little choice of matches. Other services offer backup options in case the main channel is down. Sadly it's a bit of a mess and needs properly sorting as it stands