IPTV66 authorization failed

IPTV66 Help here!
I paid for the service last night got a email saying my status is running place in MAC address ETC and all I'm getting is authorization failure help anyone. Then I'm saying post saying that the website is scam that's why they don't use PayPal >.>
Well I got sorted I followed the steps in " no route asinged ....." Post ...... Came to find out I had to login and change my MAC address from the origanal one that was given in the email ..... After that place in the new one and was good to go finally !!! Lol
Until you give more details as to the version of software you are using, I'd reboot the device and see what happens. If that doesn't do the trick, I'd reset the MAC and give it another try.
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No luck with my boxes tried to unlink and relink my mac I still get no English channels other than RT / abc news / some adult channels . I have 4 boxes all doing this since late Friday all have their own routes etc. I will keep playing around with them to hopefully resolve. No discovery / history / animal planet etc All say ITV authorization failed .. all have been working fine for months ??
Ok this is what i did in order to make it work. I went to the iks66 page i had my mac dress in 00:79 change it to :78 also change the last two numbers and exit kodi. Reopen kodi and the stalker add-on now,change the mac dress to the new one click send serial and click ok and before entering make sure you clear the cache then everything should be back to normal .
I bought a subscription from some guy online. He gave me a mac address and some setting. Everything was fine till Saturday. Not i am getting itv authorization failed error. Can anyone help?
My kodi is 15.2 and stalker version is 1.2.0
arnulfojuan you are definitely on the right track, I was experiencing the authorisation failed for the longest but then I tried the first six digits in my mac address if you are using iptv stalker change the 00:1A:79 to 00:1A:78 and the last six digits of your mac address remain the same, now you must make sure that you link your mac address and then put it into stalker the same way eg 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX dont forget to clear the cache in stalker, hope this helps someone.
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Thanks .. Shelton !!

I did as you indicated and all is working now ...

Change the 00:1A:79 to 00:1A:78 and the last six digits of your mac address remain the same, now you must make sure that you link your mac address and then put it into stalker the same way eg 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX dont forget to clear the cache in stalker, hope this helps someone.