IPTV66 Authentication X

IPTV66 Help here!


New member
May 25, 2016
Hi guys,

I solved my problem with Route66 everything should be working but nothing is working on my MAG254. I just spend 2 hours trying to fix it.


login : it's post to be Route:# 13 digit number (I entered the number only)
password : same as login

I get red X incorrect information

Fine, I'm going to check my MAC address to make sure it's matching. Yes it's matching and subscription is active.

Next step, reset the device, did it several times, no change
Next step, complete wipe with old (new) firmware flash.
Nothing, still error.

Fine, I go to portals (I'm using only one as of right now) and I got there my name: 66
url: 66.iptv66.tv

Reload box (or portal), login + password question and same thing, I just can't get in.

There is one thing though, I didn't enter 66.iks66.tv anywhere if I enter it instead of 66.iptv66.tv it wont load.

Obviously I'm screwing somewhere up I just don't know where.

I think I covered all my issues help would be very very appreciated.

And Yes I did read this thread http://iptvtalk.net/showthread.php?13171-MAG-and-AVOV-Password-Username-Authentication-Tutorial

Thanks in advance.

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