NFPS / Private Authentication Help

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)
portal name is just for your own personal preference. Name it what ever you want.
It is so you recognise which server is which, if you have more then one :)

the http address is the URL , which is also referred to as the Server Portal
what tutural are you referring to ?

Did you get a MAC address from the Mag receiver and get it linked to your 12 digit donation number ?

12 digit donation number is also both the Username and the Password , for the receiver log in

Server URL does not end with .com
It ends with .tv
I did the IPTV Reset at the website and nothing happened. The Authentication window is still freezing. I probably need to get another box. Did anyone ha this issue before? I still do not know the right steps to follow sequential and clear fashion.
Mag254 Authentication issues, I have Portal 1 Name nfps, Portal 1 URL, I restarted the Portal The Authentication window asks for Donation#/Pass I did that and the box freezes. I have reset the IPTV,Mac Address, reset my router, where did i go wrong? does anyone have a suggestion? please help.
I have reset my router and nothing happens. The Authentication window still freezes. I have Portal 1 Name nfps, Portal 1 URL I have linked the MAC address. Are my MAG254 is WIFE equipped, before the setup of IPTV I was able to get access to the cloud and Youtube without any problems. Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! Cualquier asistencia les agradesco de antemano. Feliz Navidad a todos.
I don't have or use a Mag, so I will offer few startling insights...

Have you visited the Mag area further down the page? You might consider posing your question there.

Have you tried a reset of the Mag? I note you mention resetting the router, but don't say anything about the Mag. Since you have little set-up, a box reset wouldn't "cost" you much.