NFPS / Private Authentication Failed

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)
Essentially, the server is looking at your MAC address and deciding it doesn't like the credentials that are being sent along with it. For some reason, it believes the credentials (serial number and/or Device ID and/or signature) were different in prior sessions, so it denies access to the channels streams.

Make sure you disable the automatically configure feature in the epg updater after you allow it to configure your client or it will reconfigure your credentials and the server will be thrown into a tizzy when the new credentials are supplied with your MAC address. An authentication failure (like yours) will result. Beyond that, here are some trouble shooting steps...

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I am also having issues with Authentication. I followed the troubleshooting steps @dara suggested.

I didn't use IPTV Stalker for 4 months and when I tried to use it, I had the 'Authentication failed' message show up. I reinstalled Jarvis 16 and changed and reset my MAC address, but I keep getting the error message. I installed "pvr.stalker.nfps-win32_20160510" and followed the troubleshooting steps for the 'NFPS' version. For some reason, I can't connect.

Does anyone have any advice on what I should do next to connect to IPTV Stalker?
Essentially, the server is looking at your MAC address and deciding it doesn't like the credentials that are being sent along with it. For some reason, it believes the credentials (serial number and/or Device ID and/or signature) were different in prior sessions, so it denies access to the channels streams.

Make sure you disable the automatically configure feature in the epg updater after you allow it to configure your client or it will reconfigure your credentials and the server will be thrown into a tizzy when the new credentials are supplied with your MAC address. An authentication failure (like yours) will result. Beyond that, here are some trouble shooting steps...

What does this mean as I keep getting the same issue on weekly basis where it will throw me a authentication error and I go in and reset the IPTV and it eventually pulls through
It means go into the epg updater's configuration page and turn off the "automatically update" feature. Once you have successfully connected to the server, you don't want the epg updater to keep updating your credentials. If there are problems beyond that, I included a troubleshooting guide.
i'm having a similar issue. stalker is working fine on my android phone running 15.2 and on the minix running 16.1 but my windows machine running 16.1 keeps showing authentication failed retrying. i've un- and re-installed kodi on the laptop and am using the same credentials as the two androids. any ideas?
EPG Updater, if set to "Configure Stalker", will configure new Device ID, Ser/no. etc.
You need Disable TV, Clear your data, shut down kodi.
Do an IPTV Reset on Papiao Site.
Restart Kodi, which will start EPG Updater. After Updater Msg. disappears, go to System/TV and Enable.
Kodi will connect and the new DeviceID will be saved to the Server.

As for 2 devices with exact credentials.... Why?
Use a different Device ID for the 2nd device.
Do an IPTV Reset before enabling the 2nd Device. Make sure the 1st device is OFF.
You can only do this back and forth once a day(2 IPTV Resets in 24hrs).