Authentication Failed MAC

After you put in the portal ( and your route# under donation you should click on Clear Caches (IPTV + VOD Caches). If you want to use the pvr then click on Settings: PVR Simple Client. (You will need to have the Simple Client addon enabled in Kodi addons first.) Then go to Kodi Settings and select TV and CLEAR DATA. Exit Kodi and then restart. That should get you up and running.

Hi Expatter and Friends:

I can't get past the Authentication Failed 'mac' error. It first appears when I try to clear the caches within the PotatoTV client (as instructed by the pop-up dialogue). So I can't progress from that error.

Note that I just enabled IPTV Simple Client specifically for this PotatoTV setup; but I already also had the PVR Stalker Client enabled, since that is what I mostly use (for years now -- and it has no issues with my credentials). I'm just mentioning this in case there is some weird conflict where they can't both be enabled to use PotatoTV.

Anyway, here is my papiao information, which is active:

IPTV Portal:  <------------ I entered this in the PotatoTV client
Server(s): (Dish) (Claro TV 70W)
       (Dish Mexico) (Sky Mexico) 
Port(s):    35922 (Dish) 65000 (Claro TV 70W) 55000 (Dish Mexico) 60000 (Sky Mexico) 
Status:    Active
Remaining days:    302 days
Mac Address:    00:01:78 + XX:YY:ZZ <--------- I entered these two MAC-address parts in the PotatoTV client.

I should mention that the IPTV Simple Client has no special URLs for IPTV or EPG specified in it. Both are set to local (... in other words, it's unmodified from the defaults that it ships with. I simply just enabled it for this PotatoTV, and that it)! The PVR Stalker Client, on the other hand, has all of my Papiao/Rocket information configured (and works flawlessly).

All of the entered information looks correct everywhere, and my Papiao information is correct and active. I even momentarily ignored the PotatoTV 'mac' failure, and went ahead and cleared the Kodi caches and restarted Kodi itself, hoping that that would help. But it didn't.

What am I missing? Any ideas?

Thank you! :)
You need to disable PVR Stalker Client if you are enabling Potato TV and IPTV Simple Client. Also, get out of Kodi and do an IPTV Reset before trying to load the channels with the Potato set-up. Wait 10 minutes after the IPTV Reset before you load Kodi.

Any time you switch between the Potato set-up and PVR Stalker Client you will need to do an IPTV Reset. The credentials, technically, are different in each set-up, so the reset is required.