payment array, please try again or try another method of payment
If you get that message when attempting to make a donation thru please do not try again.
Just wait it out for approx 24 hours and chances are that the payment did work and you should receive your Order.
I have seen thru my constant contacts with members and their orders that this message is false 9 times outta 10
Members will go ahead an attempt a new order but then a day later they have two orders and with both paid for and working.
So if you get that message about Payment Array, please do not re-attempt the payment. Just watch your email in next 24 hours or so and that first payment that went array will probably be okay and be a valid order.
Any questions about this, please send me a message.
thnx guys and sorry about this gateway malfunction.
I have alerted the server administration about it
If you get that message when attempting to make a donation thru please do not try again.
Just wait it out for approx 24 hours and chances are that the payment did work and you should receive your Order.
I have seen thru my constant contacts with members and their orders that this message is false 9 times outta 10
Members will go ahead an attempt a new order but then a day later they have two orders and with both paid for and working.
So if you get that message about Payment Array, please do not re-attempt the payment. Just watch your email in next 24 hours or so and that first payment that went array will probably be okay and be a valid order.
Any questions about this, please send me a message.
thnx guys and sorry about this gateway malfunction.
I have alerted the server administration about it