Thank you that is exactly what I meant. If you happen to read the actual thread dells you would see the "WE" means this site supports NFPS, Rocket & IKS66.dells..pod77 is 100% dead on when he states that we DON'T support anything other then nfps,rocket and 66 on this site.And no... im not a mod or admin.
Dells I'm really not trying to be rude at all but be honest do you really think that paying $105 a year for TV you are going to get this awesome problem free service? So when you go out and purchase something either online or at a store you just take the word of the website or store without doing zero research at all and buy it blindly? All anyone has to do before purchasing any IPTV service is do some research and see what issues have happened in the past before buying. If anyone doesn't that's your own fault period!
If you think your going to buy any TV service for $105 a year without any issues your not be honest with yourself... It's actually funny that people complain about something that literally costs 30 cents a day...... If people would keep a basic cable TV package then when issues like this happen you have TV.
But what happens are either resellers or people blindly "cut the cord" thinking your going to save all this money.. All your doing is giving yourself a headache or for resellers getting non stop calls because you didn't explain how this works. Sorry you don't like the facts
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