I`ve been using my T-3 for a week and i noticed on every channel that once in a while it will go back 1 minute and then continue.Has anyone experienced this?
Thank you, Bobclown
Are there any users of mag 256 living in that time zone.I would like to known how you get the tv guide synchronized with your time.
Thank you. Bob
When i put the mag 256 in my time zone, the guide is offset by 2 hours.
I don`t have access where you can select the country,i only can change the time zone
Does anyone have that problem
Thank you, B
My mag256 is wired with linksys 2500 router.I unpluged it from the router and connected it directly in the modem and ..
"VOILÀ" It came back to life immediately.
Thank you tonyi1000,this was a geat idea.
An hour ago ,i connected the mag with the router again and so far so good it keeps working.I...
I`m sorry dishuser1 .I am not a reseller so i don`t get it
What are you trying to say?
You have a mag 256 and it`s working!!!
i`m trying to get an answer for the past two weeks and no one seems to have an answer.Maybe you should explain how you do it.
Mine worked perfectly up until two weeks...
For the past 2 weeks or so,i have only the movies,no live tv.
With MAG 256.
IPTV reset. nothing change
Switching portal.i loose everything
Removing MAC and reinstalling it. nothing change
Are there user with mag 256 watching live tv ?
I`m fairly new to this. Any suggestions welcome
Thank you. B
Hello, i have exactly the same problem with my mag 256.I tried to get an answer with my post "english channel" with no joy.I`m glad to know about the web tv app. A detailed procedure on how to install it would be nice
but thank again for the info B.
The IPTV reset seems to have no effect at all,it keeps returning me to the same page.I also tried to change portal to the full version.I tried to reload portal on the mag 256. The movies works fine and are updated. I also have channel 190 and some in the low 200.They are probably free. Would...
I `ve been using mag 256 with iptv66 since Christmas.Now i only have the movies and foreign tv channel.I`ve been looking in this forum for two days and found no solution.
Any advise. Thank you B