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  1. D

    NFPS / Private cannot connect -new donation

    it works now. Thanks for the help everyone.
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    NFPS / Private cannot connect -new donation

    high247, i had no which site to relink my donation to another mac.
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    NFPS / Private cannot connect -new donation

    high247, 1: mag254 2: brought at 3: read everything but nothing helpful upinsmoke, my donation is link to my mac address
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    NFPS / Private cannot connect -new donation

    hello,i am newbie. i just recently made an order 1 donation and use 11.iptvprivate..... but cannot connect to the server my donation is ACTIVE. any suggestion?
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    NFPS / Private default website page

    hello,i got an active donation recently and configure the IKS server but it shows default website page on my Mag254. please help.