Am I alone in loosing the channel descriptions?
My date and times are correct, yet I see no others complaining about this issue.
Yesterday I had the descriptions, then today,,,, they are absent.
Is something up? I see where p6 is being worked on due to issues. Is this the issue?
Keep in mind, the channels are coming in just fine. Not the listings however.
Any ideas?
this has been an ongoing issue with the service 's EPG
There is a solution thou.
Depending on what type of receiver or device you are using, you can use the Playlist method and then with that method you could add your own EPG source of which we have available created by our members here at itvtalk.
There are two sources available.
One from Shooty and one from AcidJesus
What I do is create two Playlist slots with the same server URL in each, but with the two EPG sources , one for one slot and the other for the second slot. Then you can easily switch between the two to compare and use.
This is why I ask what device are you using as some devices work better then others when it comes to Playlist slots and user friendly conditions.
And also you can use the Total Commander app to help with the copy and paste of the URL string, or type it out manually but that can be tiresome and perhaps chances of typos, while the copy/paste eliminates that possibility.
You can also find the EPG URL's shown in the Total Commander tutorial
To get the Playlist URL , log onto your code to the papiao website and remove the MAC that is attached (if there is one) and then look at that login page again and a Playlist URL will show after that MAC has been removed.
The link below describes hw to do this but it shows how to get the hardcopy of the playlist BUT you want the URL of the Playlist. The link briefly explains the how to with that Playlist URL
Once you get all this figured out and working, you will be styling