Plot: the remarkable true story of one woman's journey to reclaim her heritage and seek justice for what happened to her family. Sixty years after she fled Vienna during World War II, an elderly Jewish woman, Maria Altmann (Mirren), starts her journey to retrieve family possessions seized by the Nazis, among them Klimt's famous painting 'Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I'. Together with her inexperienced but plucky young lawyer Randy Schoenberg (Reynolds), she embarks upon a major battle which takes them all the way to the heart of the Austrian establishment and the U.S. Supreme Court, and forces her to confront difficult truths about the past along the way
Starring: Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl
Rated : PG-13
Review: Finally a movie worth watching, let's start by saying that Helen Mirren is an excellent Actress, it is a drama but contains some funny scenes. It will have you laughing and also with a teary eyes!! Only thing i have to say negative about this movie was that Ryan Reynolds was miscast for this position but even with that I highly recommend watching this movie
Laser Grade: 8.2 out of 10
Starring: Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl
Rated : PG-13
Review: Finally a movie worth watching, let's start by saying that Helen Mirren is an excellent Actress, it is a drama but contains some funny scenes. It will have you laughing and also with a teary eyes!! Only thing i have to say negative about this movie was that Ryan Reynolds was miscast for this position but even with that I highly recommend watching this movie
Laser Grade: 8.2 out of 10