NFPS / Private What is prefered method for iptv on kodi 17 android.

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)


New member
Sep 18, 2016
There are so many instuctions on the web , and most are obsolite and confusing. I need a good step by step thats not out dated. I dont know why nfps dosen,t a app to auto install every thing.
It really is personal preference. If you want to go "PVR" you do have to do some configuration, or you can get going quickly with Xtream-codes add-on with just two entries in the settings, and a "donation-only" setup on the donation checker (that is, no MAC).

There hasn't been much change in how you configure things for the last year or so, so there hasn't been any real need to change the how-to tutorials.

See my sig for help.
Thanks I managed
to get xtream to work .The link to the video from dara is terrible, I could not follow it at all! The guy just jumpall over the place and seems to click on stuff and go back to other stuff. I haD to find better instruCtions to follow. But it appears to be w.orking. I tried using potato awhile back , but couldnt Figure it out. It does sound like a bette.r way, I will have to try again. Thank again!